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羅伯・塔克於1987年出生在紐西蘭,現居奧克蘭。塔克以色彩豔麗、筆觸率性的幾何風靜物與風景畫打開知名度。以世紀中期現代主義 (Mid-Century Modernism)的設計概念為依據,塔克的作品在顏色上與構圖上好似重現了復古情懷,帶給觀者一種無憂無慮的悠閒氛圍。塔克出展經歷豐富,曾於紐約、倫敦、柏林等世界各國舉辦個展,也在新加坡、香港、邁阿密等城市參加過藝術博覽會。
在創作方式上,塔克透過反覆描繪這些靜物來探索記號創作(Mark Making),記號創作是利用各種工具去創造線條、形狀、圖案等的藝術行為。這類型的創作方式在表現上不受到任何形式拘束,可以是各式各樣的筆觸與媒材。像塔克會運用手邊的鐵器來上色,而紅酒是顏料任意的媒材,最後以亮光漆覆蓋整個畫面,使作品有著鏡面一般的反光感。記號創作對塔克來說是一個可以自由地展現他的內心思緒與情感的載體,讓靜物得以用輕鬆童趣的風格來呈現,同時反映出藝術家對生活的態度。
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2023 - Some Kind of fruit Salad, PIERMARQ*, Sydney, Australia
2021 - Virtual Vacation, PIERMARQ*, Sydney, Australia
2020 - Ordinary Objects, PIERMARQ*, Sydney, Australia
2019 - Luc Clement Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
2019 - Suddenly Things Went Still, PIERMARQ*, Sydney, Australia
2016 - Title, Rebecca Hossack Gallery, London, UK
2015 - Colour Studies of Ships, Rebecca Hossack Gallery, Miami, USA
2014 - Too Many Green Teas Consumed Daily Is Just Too Healthy, Rebecca Hossack Gallery, London, UK
2014 - Cacti and Tropical Hibiscus Make Ambiguous Table Arrangements, Rebecca Hossack Gallery, New York, USA
2012 - Boats and Boats, Smyth Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand
2011 - The Pantry, Iain Dawson Gallery and Art Equity, Sydney, Australia
2010 - Duty Free, **Smyth Galleries, Auckland, New Zealand
2009 - Duty Free, Monster Children Gallery, Sydney
2008 - The Pantry, Smyth Galleries, Auckland, New Zealand
2007 - My Trip Through Belmont, **Satellite Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand
2022 - PINK, PIERMARQ*, Sydney, Australia
2017 - Water - A Group Show Across Our London Galleries, Rebecca Hossack Gallery, London,UK
2017 - Christmas on Mott Street, Rebecca Hossack Gallery, New York City, USA
2023 - CAN Ibiza Art Fair, PIERMARQ* booth, Ibiza, Spain
2019 - Auckland Art Fair, PIERMARQ* booth, Auckland, New Zealand
2017 - Christmas on Mott Street, Rebecca Hossack Gallery, New York City, USA
2017 - Seattle Art Fair, **Seattle, USA
2017 - Art Paris, Paris, France
2017 - Art Palm Springs, Palm Springs, USA
2017 - Outsider Art Fair, New York, USA
2017 - LA Art Show, Los Angeles, USA
2017 - Miami Project, Miami, USA
2016 - Palm Springs Art Fair, California, USA
2016 - The Outsider Art Fair, New York
2016 - Art Paris, Paris, France
2015 - Art Stage Singapore, Singapore
MA, Art and Literature, Aalborg University
Young Art Workers (UKK) The Danish Association of Visual Artists (BKF) Art and Technology – Advisory Board, Aalborg University
The Danish Arts Foundation (Statens Kunstfond), 2010, 2011, 2017 The Obel Family Foundation (Det Obelske Familifond), 2017, 2018 Region North Art Grant, 2012, 2013
DLA Piper Collection Mark Rothko Art Centre – Museum of Modern Art Vesta’s Art Collection Det Ny Kastet – Collection of Modern Art The City of Aalborg The City of Aarhus The Collection of Odense Hospital Danske Bank Collection