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南韓藝術家Haydonna台北個展「Gentle Souls」:以愛犬為靈感,捕捉⽇常⽣活中的柔軟時刻

La Vie | 2024.11.17

毛小孩眼中的趣味日常!韓國藝術家Haydonna台北個展「Gentle Souls」以簡約插畫、HAY家具探索生活美好

MOT TIMES | 2024.11.13

從寵物視角看世界!南韓藝術家 Haydonna 個展《Gentle Souls》透過插畫反思簡單生活的價值 2024/11/04 展覽

Shopping Design|2024.11.04

蘊藏在夜色下的詩意創作,中國藝術家鹵貓 Oamul 台北個展《月醒時分》

Fliper |2024.11.05

插畫家鹵貓的寂靜風景 Contemporary by U 展覽:飄動在《月醒時分》的輕盈筆觸

Flat 43|2024.09.10



鹵貓台北個展《月醒時分》:展現 Oamul 的清幽淡雅、靜謐深邃

聯合新聞網 女子漾 udn|2024.09.05


明日誌 MOT TIMES | 8.23.2024

藝術家鹵貓台北個展《月醒時分》!特設 3 個不同風格展間,以創作揭開夜晚的寧靜與神秘

Shopping Design |2024.08.14


WE People|2024.06.04

【新展開幕: Past to Present; Form to Less】




Adam Lister Unveils Pixelated Paintings in "Spatial Reduction"


A Guide to Modern and Contemporary Art Spaces in Taipei (TAIPEI Quarterly 2020 Autumn Vol.21)


Contemporary by U| Modern Art, Savor Life

enya FASHION QUEEN|2020.06.04

From one state of mind to another

id SHOW|2019.12.05

Contemporary, refers to both "modern" and "simultaneous." Similarly, many words in Chinese possess multiple interpretations

From the nuances of language to the complexity of life, duality is ever-present. This intriguing phenomenon is also reflected in this work. Through the transformation of space, as the mind moves with intention, one can find something of value within.