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John Vitale 約翰・維塔萊

維塔萊(Vitale) 於1979年出生在美國伊利諾伊州,並曾在喬治亞州、北加州、奧瑞岡州等地生活過,現於紐約工作室進行藝術創作。維塔萊一方面身為一個滑板品牌『Killing Floor』的創辦者兼藝術總監,另一方面也同時進行藝術創作。維塔萊雖深受街頭文化影響,滑板作品以拼貼視覺為主,他藝術方面的創作風格則是以簡約的色塊抽象藝術為主。曾多次於奧瑞岡州的Chefas Projects舉辦個展,並將於2024年於紐約創辦新的藝廊空間 Pollyanna Projects,且在西雅圖、德州、紐約等地舉辦個展與聯展。




Selected Solo Exhibitions


2023-Mother Cabrini to Sunset Park- Chefas Projects, Portland OR.

2023-What has gone wrong becomes an opening- Nationale, Portland OR.

2022-Riding with the ghost- Chefas Projects, Portland OR.

2022-Chaos to Cosmos- Collapse Contemporary, Wenatchee WA.

2021-Anonymous earth dweller- Neverlab, Portland OR.

2017-Places, I’ve been- Association gallery, Portland OR.


Selected Group Exhibitions


2023-The Collective- Visionary Projects in collaboration with The High Line Nine Galleries

2023-Summer Freestyle- Court tree Collective, Brooklyn NY

2023-The Bright Side- Jen Tough Gallery, Santa Fe NM

2022-Family Affair- Chefas Projects, Portland OR.

2021-Intangible Flights (2 person exhibition w/ John Gnorski)- Nationale, Portland OR



2023-NEW ART PROJECT Contemporary Art Magazine, Issue 1, June